Russian and Ukrainian on-hold messages, on-hold commercials, IVR autoresponders, Russian and voiceover and voicetalents recording


Online Order

Step 1. Choose a voicetalent

Step 1Choose a voicetalent
Step 2Choose a music track
Step 3Text for recording
Step 4Payment details

Choose voicetalent from list above*
Voicetalent is not choosen

Voicetalent ID
Неверный Ввод

Music track*

Please choose the music option above

Music track is not chosen

Неверный Ввод

Own music track
Invalid input

Please upload your own music track file which will be used for recording

Audio file type*
Please enter audo-file extension

IVR Text*
Please eneter the text to be recorder

If you need to record several texts, after submitting the form you will be asked to issue another form and all fields are already filled with your data, excepting text field. So you will need to enter just new text.

Words count
Неверный Ввод

Invalid input

Music duration after text of voicetalent
Invalid input

Upload a text of more then 90 words
Invalid input

Contact Name*
Please enter contact name

Invalid input

Invalid input

Payment method
Invalid input

Payer details
Invalid input

Please enter your email

Неверный Ввод


How to order and receive Russian or Ukrainian on-hold message in 3-4 days time

  • Choose a dictor's

    Choose the voice you like best from the list of professional voice talents.

  • Choose a background

    The voice will be dubbed in music which you can choose yourself or instruct us to choose appropriate background music.

  • Fill a simple form

    Just answer a few questions and the final chord in your IVR onhold project will resound.

  • Obtain a ready

    The final audio product is finished: files in the desired format can be delivered by e-mail or ftp-server.

Proceed to complete an order